7 – 8 March 2007
What’s the connection between the meaning of life, mobile phones, Sufism, my cat and enthusiastic Bollywood dancing? Aided by words, music and clever multimedia, Michael Westlake’s thought provoking and hilarious one man show, reveals some possibilities.
ONE CAT PURRING explores the idea of the mystic within the everyman. Its east meets west inside your own head, as well as a dialogue between the inner and outer psyche. The solitary lead character, Narr Freedman, is a successful corporate trainer who experiences a breakdown during one of his corporate seminars. Confronted by his inner mystic (using multimedia, played by Michael also) he begins the difficult and amusing journey of facing his own confusion, projections on the world and denial.
The eggshell of current fashionable self-help/self development is pressure tested and the relationship of inner terror and fear of terrorism is explored.
This potentially harrowing process is made light and given a wonderful surreal quality with use of Bollywood dance music and classic comedy tradeoffs (a sort of Zen Abbott and Costello).
The play draws on many years of performing and composing music, mixed with a love affair with India over the last 20 years.
Michael wrote the play and the music (pre-recorded). He also plays live on stage.
May be the world’s first one man Bollywood play.
Full $20
Concession $15
70 minutes no interval
Written and Performed by
Directed by