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Writer Spotlight | GEORGIA SYMONDS

Writer Wednesday continues this week on our Backstage Blog! Today we turn the spotlight on Georgia Symons, part of our 2022 She Writes Collective.

Q: What is the working title of the project you are working on as part of TW's She Writes Collective?

A: Eat the Rich Inc.

Q: In one sentence, can you tell us what your project is about?

A: A startup offering rich people the opportunity to make their lives meaningful by becoming a sustainable meat source for poor people.

Q: Favourite book or play of all time?

A: I don’t know, so maybe it’s something I haven’t read/seen yet. I like Love and Information by Caryl Churchill, and I remember loving the short story collection Swimmer Among the Stars by Kanishk Tharoor, but I’ve only read it once.

Q: What are you currently listening to?

A: The Bell Street traffic because I missed my train and am sitting outside the station doing some work before the next train.

Q: Favourite writing spot?

A: This rock outside Coburg station maybe? It’s pretty nice! I dunno. Anywhere new. Never the same place twice, if I can help it. Actually there was this other rock I used to sit and write on. It was a giant rock on a beach, in a town called Copacabana, near Gosford. The rock was near the water line, meaning it was underwater at high tide and exposed at low tide. I was 13 years old. Every afternoon of the Summer holidays, I would walk down the beach to this rock, with my notebook, and sit on the rock, and write as the tide came in. I would stay and write until there was water all around me. I thought I was the only mermaid in the world. Find out more about the 2022 She Writes Collective.


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