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In Conversation with Lucy Ansell

"So many storylines featuring young people are generic or dismissive, often minimising the experiences of those they wish to represent. Greene approaches these characters with complexity, tenderness and candour. He doesn't shy away from the ugly, he spotlights it." Actor Lucy Ansell reFlects on why MOTH by Declan Greene will strongly resonate with young audiences.

Q: What drew you to this play?

A: It’s gritty, clever and relentless. To be honest, when I first read it, it completely terrified me. Both on a technical level and intrapersonally. I think that’s exactly why I wanted to be a part of it.

Q:What can you tell us about Claryssa, the character you play as Sebastian’s ‘only friend’?

A: Claryssa is a nonconformist, self-proclaimed Wiccan. She’s capricious, volcanic and knows how to assert herself. Attracted to all things blood and gore, when she’s not drawing third eyes, you could probably find her performing a DIY seance. She has absolutely no trouble speaking her mind nor desire to blend in with those around her.

Q: Why do you think this play will resonate with young audiences?

A: Because it doesn’t patronise its subjects. So many storylines featuring young people are generic or dismissive, often minimising the experiences of those they wish to represent. Greene approaches these characters with complexity, tenderness and candour. He doesn't shy away from the ugly, he spotlights it. Claryssa and Sebastian are allowed to flesh out in the contradictions and multiplicities of existence. They’re ridiculous, brilliant, average, cruel, kind and flawed. All in a scene.

Q: What has been the most enjoyable part of the rehearsal process so far?

A: Working with such a dedicated, supportive team. This show might be a two-hander but it wouldn’t be possible without the creatives who have been instrumental in bringing this beast to life.

Q: What advice would you give other young artists that are interested in pursuing a career as an actor?

A: I’m still quite green so I’m not sure I’m in a position to give advice. But I will regurgitate some from people who have been doing this a lot longer than I have. Make your own work! It doesn’t have to be any good. Watch everything. Films, plays, docos, people in the supermarket (within reason). Treat every audition as a free workshop. MOTH by Declan Greene

17 May - 3 June | Theatre Works BOOK HERE



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